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League Day at the Statehouse
February 12, 2025
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Session Sessions

In March, State League President, Linda Hanson, was the guest on this podcast hosted by Rep Blake Johnson (HD100) and Rep Earl Harris Jr (HD2).  She discusses the role of the League in Indiana.

From the podcast: "Advocacy in the Statehouse takes many forms, and while people often think of the paid professionals who spend their days in the hallways, nonprofit organizations also play a crucial role in educating constituents and championing issues. Linda Hanson, president of the League of Women Voters - Indiana, joins the pod to talk about the role they play in shaping Indiana's future."
Click picture to view on YouTube


Meet Your Legislators
LWV Southwestern Indiana, Evansville
February 8, 2025

Legislative tip

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2023 Indiana Civic Health Index
This sixth edition of the Indiana Bar Foundation’s Indiana Civic Health Index (INCHI) takes stock of Indiana’s successes and shortcomings during the past decade and defines action steps to ensure Indiana becomes a national leader in civic health. 
This latest INCHI looks at new data from the 2022 election cycle as well as additional data demonstrating other areas of our state’s civic health as we look forward to the national elections in 2024. The insights gained by examining Hoosiers’ participation in civic life from 2010 to the present will inform and motivate citizens and leaders alike to build a culture of civic engagement that enhances our economic, social, and political well being.

LWVIN is a partner in the Indiana Civics Coalition.


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The authors of the Citizens Handbook answer questions from LWV Indiana State President, Linda Hanson - October 10, 2024

View the Zoom meeting where State League President, Linda Hanson, and Board Member, Barbary Tully, discuss Civics and the new Citizens' Handbook with the libraries around the state.

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Local Redistricting
Redistricting is also important on the local level.  Just like state legislatures and the U.S. Congress, many local governments in the United States have elected councils or boards that are required to redistrict once a decade, usually the year after the decennial census. 

In Indiana, that includes all county councils, city councils and any school boards that use “electoral districts.” 
There are over 500 municipalities and school districts in Indiana that are required to be in compliance.

Visit Indiana Local Redistricting to see extensive research into the status of these entities.

What is gerrymandering? Watch this 1 minute video from the LWVUS.

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Indianapolis IN 46202